CWA NT Membership

Branch Meetings

Darwin image


Darwin Branch meetings: 3rd Tuesday of the Month 9:30am
CWA HQ, 1/27 Bishop Street, Woolner, NT
President: Cheryl Kerr
Monday mornings get together / craft
CWA HQ, 1/27 Bishop Street, Woolner, NT from 9.30am

Litchfield image


Litchfield Branch Meeting: 1st Thursday of the month 7pm
Salvation Hall, Corner of Woodroffe and Temple Terrace, Palmerston
President: Dianne Simons

Katherine image


Katherine Branch Meeting: 1st Saturday of the month 10am
CWA Hall Katherine Terrace
President: Amanda Kelly

Alice Springs image

Alice Springs

Alice Springs Branch Meeting: 2nd Thursday of the month.
Venue TBA
Alice Springs
PO Box 7971 NT 0871
President: Yvette Valentine

Groote Eylandt image

Groote Eylandt

Groote Eylandt Branch Meeting: 1st Wednesday of the month 7.30pm
Alyangula Recreation Club
Groote Eylandt
PO Box 128 Alyangula NT 0885
President: Rebecca Hunt

Follow us for up to date information on Facebook and Instagram

Tennant Creek image

Tennant Creek

Tennant Creek Branch Meeting: 1st Saturday of the month 1.30pm
CWA Hall Noble Street
Tennant Creek
PO Box 212 NT 0861
President: Pene Curtis


Yearly CWA NT Adult Membership Fees


Yearly CWA NT Junior Membership Fees, 5 to 17 year old

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