What does the CWA do?
Our Branches
Groote Eylandt
Tennant Creek
Alice Springs
The Associated Country Women of the World. (ACWW)
Groote Eylandt
Tennant Creek
Alice Springs
Members are the grassroots of the association and our most important people. Members form the branches and from the branches come the thoughts and actions that drive the association.
Each branch has office bearers elected annually consisting of:
Committees and craft officers can be nominated as required. Branches meet monthly for eleven months of the year.
For extra branch information please contact: 08 8981 6885 or cwa.nt@bigpond.net.au.
At the Association AGM held each year, the branch members elect the Association Executive made up of the Territorial Officers these consist of:
Two Vice Presidents
Properties Officer
International Officer
The immediate Past President continues for one year. The Secretary and Public Officer are appointed. The Administrator or partner is invited to be the Patron. The Executive meets monthly to facilitate business between the Branches CWA of A and the ACWW.